No matter what
kind of business one may run, you might find yourself wasting more energy as
each month goes by. But how can one reduce their carbon footprint while trying to
keep up with the daily needs of the business? You could own a restaurant or a
small business or a large corporate office – but either way, a smart and
innovative commercial
automation system can significantly impact your energy usage for
the better. Anusha Technovision Pvt. Ltd. (ATPL) can provide the space with the smart features necessary to
lower your bills and make your business eco-friendly. Keep reading below to
learn more about the commercial automation technologies that can make your
commercial setup automated!
In US, as per
data on the US government website, 38% of the Total energy consumed in a
Corporate Building is on account of Lighting. A reduction is the lighting usage
can significantly reduce the total energy consumption. That is where Lightingcontrol strategies involving High End Trim, Day Lighting, Vacancy
Sensing, Time Scheduling, Motorised Shades among others would help
significantly in Energy Saving.
High End Trim: With the help of
dimming we start off with Maximum out put of Lighting Fixtures clipped to 80%.
The logic being that Human eye cannot easily differentiate between 10-20% reductions
in light from a maximum of 100%.
Day Lighting: The use of Day Light sensors to measure the sunlight available and correspondingly reducing the output of Light Fixtures helps save energy.
Vacancy Sensing: Entering into a
conference room and manually turning lights on, but having the facility where
in – on exit the vacancy sensor automatically turns lights or even air
conditioning off can significantly reduce energy costs and is a commonly used
method today for energy saving.
Time Scheduling: Using a Time
clock to reduce the over all lighting after normal office hours in public areas
is one method of energy saving. The areas could also be places like Parking
Lots where the maximum traffic is known to happen at certain times in the day
and lighting can be adjusted according to the same.
Motorised shades: Automated shades
are the perfect solution to cut down on the number of lights needed. With just
a push of a button, you can lower or raise the shades at your command. Any of the
employees or workers can operate the tech themselves – before a presentation, a
meeting, or if a customer asks to have the natural sunlight come through.But
when the sun is at its perfect spot, the shades can let the light in for
everyone to enjoy its warm glow. When the shades are up – the lights can dim or
turn off completely, effectively eliminating this waste of energy.
IN many places
with intelligent software the shades can be made to raise or lower depending
upon the path of the sun, automatically. Thus glare can be avoided when
sunlight is direct and obstructing the ease of work on a desktop by bring
shades down , where as in the same space depending on sun path when natural
light is not the cause of glare, shades can be taken up to bring lighting and
view for the space user.
Motorized windows are
not just great for balancing a room’s lighting but they also provide the
ultimate insulation for your business. Shades are able to create insulation, by
relying on how they are installed.With a “gap” in between the shade and wall,
there is an ideal amount of space created that acts as insulation for the
building.In the summer, the HVAC will not have to work overtime to cool down the
company space, and in winter, the heating bills won’t be nearly as high. Smart
shades can keep one warmer or colder when needed, without even lifting a
All Above
strategies can save energy. However in order to measure the actual saving it is
important that a big commercial building also invests in a proper Lighting Management
System (LMS) that comprises of hard ware and software to measure, control and
suggest energy saving methods based upon actual data and usage in the space.